The European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) officially took over for MDD on May 26, 2021. Since 2017 ABENA had been working behind the scenes, making sure all medical devices live up to the new requirements for transparency and documentation.
Therefore, the products you use today are the same, but you can rest assured that all your ABENA products live up to the current regulations.
MDR is meant to ensure patient safety thanks to the high standards for transparency, documentation, tracking, and feedback loops. Regulating medical devices is nothing new. Since 1993, MDD (the Medical Device Directive) has been the governing body for safety and efficacy of medical devices in Europe.
With more than 500,000 types of medical devices on the EU market, safety regulations for medical devices affects millions of users all over Europe. With the onset of MDR, European legislation and medical devices now live up to the latest advances in science, technology, and product safety.
MDR is for your safety. The rules are strengthened and reevaluated to protect the users of medical devices through increased transparency throughout the value chain.
A few of the most important changes that ensure transparency and patient safety include:
Because we care, patient safety has been an integrated part of ABENA’s culture in the nearly 50 years we have been in the health care sector. From working actively with MDD since 1993, to stepping into MDR in 2021 and carrying on with the same high standard that is in compliance with current regulations.
At ABENA we help health care professionals prevent the spread of infections. Learn more about best practice for infection prevention
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ABENA was founded on a commitment to drive a positive change for nature, society and our employees.